Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148081-148100 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171wildsonet-hazelcastHazelcast integration and surrounding features.
147,2171active_model-attribute_readerallow ActiveModel constructor parameters with attribute_reader attributes
147,2171test_commieA test for determining commune inclusion.
147,2171simplecov-cloverIntegrates SimpleCov results to be shown in Atlassian Bamboo
147,2171simple_datatableAdd datatable
147,2171shoulda_action_mailerShoulda macros and more assertions for Action Mailer and ActionMailer::TestCase; now in...
147,2171amazonparserAmazon item lookup parser powered by Vacuum
147,2171easy_captcha_railsCaptcha-Plugin for Rails
147,2171barcode_encoderBarcode generator for rails at heroku
147,2171prime-numbersPrime Numbers Generator
147,2171rubuild-coreThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
147,2171angradbA gem that makes a tcp connection with Angradb and allows operations related with it
147,2171tmtm-stringvalidatorStringValidator is a Ruby library for validating string
147,2171cloudformation_mapperA simple hello world gem
147,2171blattJust a DIC
147,2171qliksense_connectorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
147,2171apc4rA simple library for accessing power information from an APC UPS device. Requires apcu...
147,2171run_time_settingsEasily add and manage application-level settings
147,2171sensu-plugins-process-count-metricsA Sensu plug-in to provide count metrics for processes