Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148661-148680 of all 180,459 gems.
132,0350feed-abstractThis library creates a common object graph for the RSS/Atom/RDF parsing classes in the ...
132,0350rack-lodashLo-dash CDN script tags and fallback in one neat package. Current version is for Lo-das...
132,0350net-blockOrganize sets of IPv4 addresses into hierarchial structures for processing
132,0350kuromusicKuroMusic is midi controll library writed by ruby.
132,0350c80_brandsGem adds brands to site
132,0350tabsA redis-backed metrics tracker for keeping tabs on pretty much anything ;)
132,0350cinch-forecastForecast is a Cinch plugin for getting the weather forecast
132,0350oodleProvides a Ruby wrapper around the Oodle API
132,0350hola_ryymA simple hello world gem
132,0350ankitAnkit is a CLI and terminal based flashcard program to learn your new language.
132,0350magentasso-rbA Ruby library to implement a MagentaSSO provider or client
132,0350cookiejar-futureAllows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code
132,0350activestorage-delayedRuby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background
132,0350rinruby-edgeRinRuby is a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statist...
132,0350llm_clientRuby client to connect to LLM Server.
132,0350orange-moreOrange is a Ruby framework for building managed websites with code as simple as Sinatra
132,0350timesheetTimesheet is simple ruby application for tracking time spent on projects. It is a conso...
132,0350mod_spoxmod_spox is a Ruby based IRC bot
132,0350abstract_importerProvides services for the mass-import of complex relational data
132,0350fimonThin `listen` cli wrapper.