Daily Downloads Ranking

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148701-148720 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301agent212Agent 212 reads and writes user agent fields and provides a basic api to modify them.
113,0301applicant_tracking_apiApplicant Tracking API access gem
113,0301sandoz.bbmb.chSandoz skin for BBMB. A Ruby gem
113,0301happy_supportsome useful methods for ruby
113,0301sidroIt use the formtastic, web-app-theme, jquery, meta_search, meta_where and kaminari
113,0301jesses_view_toolProvides genereated HTML data for Rails applications.
113,0301nil_returning_coderThis module defines an YAMLColumn coder that returns nil instead of a blank object. Us...
113,0301arel_assistHelpers and shortcuts with Arel
113,0301caring-nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...
113,0301ruby-todoist-apiWrapper for todoist api v6.
113,0301xat_supportSupport to help you develop Zendesk Apps.
113,0301hello_system_teamHelloSystemTeam Gem.
113,0301p_testMy first gem. Prints a random number
113,0301ipaddress2Easily interface with and manipulate IP addresses
113,0301yg_for_me_test_gemputs time
113,0301numeric_nation_inputImplementation of saving nation numerc inputs in AR
113,0301godville_kitA gem kit to instantiate your hero's state from Godville
113,0301i18n-mongodbRails I18n backend for MongoDB
113,0301foreman-systemdProcess manager for applications with multiple components
113,0301hola_kevinluoA simple hello world gem