Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148721-148740 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301parity_propA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
113,0301smart_capchalonger description of your gem
113,0301picky-vietnameseVietnamese substituter for Picky search engine
113,0301stubberStubber allows you to truncate Strings, while preserving whole-words.
113,0301intelementA gem that provides an intelligent way to get various different element details
113,0301ruboty-rakuten_rentalRuboty handler to check whether there exists available items in your Rakuten rental-list.
113,0301KenseiRubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode
113,0301kevinquesGem that manages questions in my 4th year cloud project.
113,0301friendly-cukesFriendly-Cukes is a ready-to-use ruby-cucumber automation framework for both web and mo...
113,0301omniauth-personaAn OmniAuth strategy for implementing Persona
113,0301fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquerylogFluentd plugin to concat MySQL slowquerylog.
113,0301grit_serviceTurns Grit into an Ernie service
113,0301json2jsonConvert JSON from one format to another
113,0301insightmineThis is first gem for insigthMine system
113,0301i18ndiffProvides a diff of yaml files and outputs the diff in the structure of the files given
113,0301pslmplain text psalm format formatter utility and library
113,0301verbsifyThis is basically Verbs as a command-line app
113,0301cocoapods-acknowledgements-filterCocoaPods plugin that filters the pods listed in Acknowledgements.
113,0301rails_experiment_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.