Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148681-148700 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rubysl-net-imapRuby standard library imap.
102,5800renderingUtilities to render output in handy ways.
102,5800numeric_humanize(10**7).humanize => "10 billion"
102,5800apricotA compiler for a Clojure-like programming language on the Rubinius VM
102,5800strhelpers_briduffyString Helper
102,5800ruby-echonestAn Ruby interface for Echo Nest Developer API
102,5800sparkly-authAs fate would have it, I found other authentication solutions unable to suit my needs. ...
102,5800sr-scriptsAdmin scripts
102,5800omniauth-accountsA Accounts from the Future oauth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
102,5800wrichmanA simple hello world gem. Now with tests!
102,5800be9-bittyActiveRecord plugin for rich bitfields
102,5800be9-integrity-twitterEasily let Integrity tweet after each build
102,5800norikra-querydump-formatFormatter for norikra-client query dump and sync.
102,5800skullstackCreate beatiful marketing sites.
102,5800softwearRe-worked from softwear-lib gem. Error reporting and common gems/logic for all softwear...
102,5800probasketballAPI Class that allows you to get live NBA stats
102,5800bitgenbitgen - bitcoin generative (inscription) image machinery incl. gen-brc721 & co
102,5800beawesomeinstead-filterSimple conditions parser.
102,5800psu_identityGem for interfacing with psu's search-service