Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148761-148780 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051math_inputThis gem allows perform mathematical operations in the field.
103,2051hashtringAn interesting class
103,2051ghaki-metaCollection of meta programming helpers.
103,2051ses_api-railsRails / Amazon SES API integration for basic transactional email sending.
103,2051HashExHashEx::Base is an abstract class need to override #convert_key. HashEx::JsObject is a ...
103,2051HolaStellaA simple hello world gem
103,2051retort_apiWrapper for retort.us Markov generation
103,2051obeliskGenerate Asterisk configs and provides integration of Rails app
103,2051jekyll-theme-blpO tema comum dos sites da BLP.
103,2051rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-oss-gate-onboarding-20210717Tokyo Debian OSS Gate onboarding 20210717
103,2051infrataster-plugin-memcachedPlugin for Infrataster to test behavior of memcached server
103,2051slosilo-migrationSlosilo v1-compatible migration helper.
103,2051logstash-filter-ipinfo-dbLogstash Filter Plugin for IPinfoDb
103,2051what_have_i_doneProvide me a summary of my toggl work day
103,2051owl-cmsA ruby CMS...
103,2051sixarm_ruby_current_userSixArm.com » Ruby » CurrentUser module for Ruby On Rails to get and set a user in a ses...
103,2051nie_easy_tableCreate Table easily for Rails app
103,2051rl_hiya_Koval_ArtemPuts greetings
103,2051komachi-developdevelopment Gem set
103,2051oembed_linksEasy OEmbed integration for Ruby (and Rails).