Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149581-149600 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731martinos-spork-testunitSpork plugin to enable Test::Unit support.
110,9731solve_pbPrepare source to solve problem
110,9731cimassee --help
110,9731demo_gem_trThis gem will practise some random echos.
110,9731automatthew-rakegenGeneration and updation of projects from templates. Rake-powered, for sustainable blah...
110,9731more_holidayGet more out of your holidays! Use bridge days smartly.
110,9731automation-apiClient for HTTP requests to BackOffice
110,9731rubikaA simple hello world gem
110,9731autographqlAutomagically generate GraphQL types and queries
110,9731autoload_resourcesAutoload resources for Rails controllers
110,9731DR_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
110,9731autopilothqautopilothq.com api client
110,9731hue_bleControl color temperature, brightness, and color of Hue light bulbs which supports Blue...
110,9731lab3lab 3 assignment for software Specification & Design Lab
110,9731rfspGet projects from www.fl.ru www.weblancer.net freelansim.ru
110,9731activemerchant_banklinkAdds Banklink support to ActiveMerchant library. Banklink is provided by major banks in...
110,9731mqbenchThis aims to be a common benchmark tool for MOM
110,9731jhnhrpr_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
110,9731diterDate iteration utility.
110,9731automazeautomaze is a maze generator library for ruby.