Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149561-149580 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250my_gemmywelcome to gemmy
68,6250secret_santa_clientSecret Santa Generator
68,6250has_reindexable_associationsKeep specified associations in sync with ease using async reindexing (searchkick gem is...
68,6250ruboty-line_botLINE BOT API adapter for Ruboty.
68,6250hello_world_tutA hello world gem for rubygems tutorial on YouTube
68,6250oss_auditGenerate list of libraries used with licenses and links
68,6250fastlane-plugin-upload_symbols_to_hockeyUpload dSYM symbolication files to Hockey
68,6250nsweb-generatorsGenerators for Nsweb engines/models/controllers
68,6250pjdavis-roartInterface for working with Request Tracker (RT) tickets inspired by ActiveRecord.
68,6250rpingrping is a ruby implementation of ping.
68,6250google-cloud-rapid_migration_assessmentThe Rapid Migration Assessment service is our first-party migration assessment and plan...
68,6250memcached-managerA sinatra memcached-manager that allows you to view status, flush/view keys and so on. ...
68,6250prefetcherThis gem provides possibility to have 'fresh' prefetched result of external http reques...
68,6250predictableRuby/Rails DSL for Prediction.io, an open source machine learning server.
68,6250krpcxExtending kRPC-rb
68,6250timeclockA simple console based clock in/clock out system.
68,6250nicksieger-warblerWarbler is a gem to make a .war file out of a Rails, Merb, or Rack-based application. T...
68,6250nginx_stream_pusherA ruby client for publishing messages to your http pub/sub service provided by the ngin...
68,6250object_structAn extension of Ruby's core OpenStruct, providing deep objectification and lazy loading.
68,6250rack_curlerGenerate curl commands that approximate rack requests.