Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
149541-149560 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250ruby_machine_learningGem to build simple regressors and classifiers into your application, without necessari...
68,6250irb-aiIRB-AI is an experimental project that explores various ways to enhance users' IRB expe...
68,6250fluent-plugin-ssl-checkfluentd plugin to check ssl endpoint
68,6250transaction_isolation_levelAdds :isolation_level option to ActiveRecord #transaction calls, as well as :minimum_is...
68,6250mountain-goatA/B test everything and get awesome in-house analytics
68,6250pivotal-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
68,6250pivotal-pistondescription of gem
68,6250transportProvide a single command interface to perform http/json requests. A spec helper to perf...
68,6250matchmakerA pattern matching library
68,6250rack-mongoid_adapterA rack application working as an adapter for Mongoid
68,6250streamioRuby wrapper for Streamios API.
68,6250universe-rack-testinggem install universe-rack-testing
68,6250has_safe_datesUses Chronic to parse incoming dates and does not raise errors on invalid multi paramet...
68,6250jubjubjubjub is designed to provie a simple API for controller XMPP servers and their resourc...
68,6250simple-unix-usersReads and parses user information from /etc/passwd or a specified filespec, and provide...
68,6250TheresNoBoxThere's No Box utililty Library
68,6250fracasWrite a longer description. Optional.
68,6250fanoutA Ruby convenience library for publishing messages to Fanout.io using the EPCP protocol
68,6250hash_keys_sanitizerSanitizes hash keys according to a whitelist
68,6250git-dirtyThis gem provides a Rake task that records the git status in a separate file, which can...