Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153061-153080 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380addons-clientAddons Platform API client
129,5380bookworm_best_sellersThe Bookworm gem provides the current week's bestselling books in the USA according to ...
129,5380api_notifyApiNotify is an ActiveRecord extender. Based on model callbacks, api_notify knows if it...
129,5380ciprcipr tests your pull requests and comments the results
129,5380bootstrap2_form_builderAdds form builder and a helper method to ActionView that generates forms with bootstrap...
129,5380verdrails-erd + echarts + iview
129,5380xxbaoA commandline-tool to check the xxbao fund income
129,5380asterisk_view_toolProvides stuff for your Rails app.
129,5380fhwang-ar_queryA utility class for building options for ActiveRecord.find.
129,5380erganeLibrary for creating lightweight, yet powerful CLI tools in Ruby. Emphasis and priority...
129,5380warrenseen-gemjourAdvertise, list, and install gems over Bonjour.
129,5380WatersOfOblivion-burnA Rails plugin for backups using the Crash backup server
129,5380dancanObject oriented authorization for Rails applications
129,5380tipping_gemGem for tipping a post
129,5380changelingA simple, yet flexible solution to tracking changes made to objects in your database.
129,5380clypAn API wrapper for the audio sharing website, clyp.it
129,5380vidibus-xssDrop-in XSS support for remote applications.
129,5380BodyBuilderXHMTL 1.1 generator
129,5380activeserviceThis gem is created to cater the projects which do not require a backend/database, bu...
129,5380dm-is-persistent_state_machineA persistent State Machine for DataMapper