Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153321-153340 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380bloodhoundMap strings like 'user:foca age:23' to ActiveRecord named_scopes
129,5380winton-externalsQuickly freeze and unfreeze external git dependencies
129,5380evertils-gistProvides a single function (Gist.gist) that uploads a gist.
129,5380time_agoAm just testin out ruby gems
129,5380wst-parserParse content of a wst instance
129,5380virtual_dateTo and from dates in a second
129,5380tramway-botsRails Engine for bot management
129,5380dynamo-autoscaleWill automatically monitor DynamoDB tables and scale them based on rules.
129,5380wrnapA comprehensive wrapper w(RNA)pper for various RNA CLI programs.
129,5380bcms_awss3A BrowserCMS module that stores attachments on Amazon S3 rather than on the filesystem.
129,5380bkiarie_palindromeBen Kiarie's Ruby palindrome detector
129,5380uname-wrapperGet `uname` information easily.
129,5380caesar_cipherIs a simple Caesar Cipher ruby implementation
129,5380unifonic_integrationiMPLEMENTS UNIFONIC SMS integration
129,5380YatranslateAPIGem for Yandex translate API
129,5380winton-fetcherdownload email from POP3 or IMAP and do stuff with it. gemified fork
129,5380dotbot# Dotbot: A Cute Lil' Dotfiles Manager I made a simple little dotfiles manager because...
129,5380es2bulkElasticsearch helper command. Retrive all documents from index and convert documents to...
129,5380Caesar.rbA simple implementation of the Caesar Cipher in 22 lines of Ruby.