181-200 of 346 results for search "guard-"
Total Rank | Total Downloads | Name | Summary |
81,158 | 10,206 | guard-rebar | Guard Rebar plugin |
81,634 | 10,101 | guard-jade | A Guard plugin to watch and compile Jade files |
81,971 | 10,023 | guard-karma | Guard plugin for Karma runner |
81,990 | 10,019 | guard-cunit | Guard Cunit should automatically build your C project and run CUnit based tests |
82,196 | 9,975 | guard-pdflatex | Guard gem for PDFLatex |
82,339 | 9,945 | guard-java | Guard::Java automatically run your unit tests when you save files (much like Eclipse's ... |
84,485 | 9,537 | guard-sunspot | Guard::Sunspot automatically starts and stops your solr server. |
86,568 | 9,165 | guard-sheller | Guard plugin to execute command line scripts when files change |
86,953 | 9,102 | guard-combustion | Guard::Combustion automatically restarts Combustion when watched files are modified. |
86,970 | 9,098 | guard-mutant | Guard::Mutant automatically mutates Ruby when files are modified. |
87,216 | 9,056 | guard-rake-vagrant | guard-rake-vagrant runs rake tasks from Rakefile automatically but first provisioning a... |
87,663 | 8,977 | beg | Run a guard-like loop without a Guardfile, or Guard if there is one |
87,800 | 8,954 | guard-sculpin | Guard::Sculpin automatically runs Sculpin when watched files are modified. |
88,746 | 8,793 | guard-resque-scheduler | Guard::Resque automatically starts/stops/restarts resque scheduler |
89,676 | 8,636 | guard-chef | Guard::Chef allows to automatically & intelligently update roles, cookbooks, and databa... |
89,823 | 8,614 | guard-rubybeautify | Automatically triggers ruby beautify against changes to attempt to clean them up. |
90,141 | 8,564 | guard-julia | Guard::Julia automatically runs tests when Julia source files change |
90,211 | 8,552 | guard-rsync | Guard::Rsync automatically syncs directories. |
90,450 | 8,515 | guard-typescript | Guard::TypeScript automatically generates JavaScripts from your TypeScripts |
90,910 | 8,443 | guard-slim | Guard to render Slim templates |