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131641-131660 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6284,190fanA small password application
131,6284,190simple_mapperProvides functionality for building classes that map to/from simple nested data structu...
131,6284,190ruboty-ruremaSearch the Ruby Reference Manual via Ruboty
131,6284,190redis_resque_initializerRedisResqueInitializer.initialize_redis_and_resque( ::Rails.root.to_s, ::Rails.env.to_s )
131,6284,190my_string_extend_htThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,6284,190rails-bootstrap-datepickerA simple Bootstrap date picker based on uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker. GitHub Repo...
131,6284,190smtp2go-railsInteracts directly with smtp2go's API to facilitate sending of email from Ruby on Rails.
131,6484,189active-encodeThis gem serves as the basis for the interface between a Ruby (Rails) application and a...
131,6484,189vorxVorx let you manage multiple git repositories
131,6484,189environment_initializersLoad initializers depending on the environment
131,6484,189workflow_rb-dbActive Record persistence provider for WorkflowRb
131,6484,189hostlinthostlint client
131,6484,189rbtmA simple Turing machine gem for Ruby; type "rbtm" in bash to run, or "rbtm_rule" to gen...
131,6484,189virustotalapivirustotalapi is Ruby module that interfaces with the VirusTotal API via HTTP POST and ...
131,6484,189voicerss2017eAn enhancement of the voicerss2017 gem by caching audio files locally to reduce the num...
131,6484,189radiant-archive_children-extensionMakes Radiant better by adding archive_children!
131,6484,189andoq-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
131,6484,189framous-gridA fluid grid framework written with SCSS & Compass Style, based on Susy (http://susy.od...
131,6484,189motion-oauth2OAuth2 client library for RubyMotion apps, you need APIs right?
131,6484,189asana_snapshotAsanaSnapshot wraps the official Asana ruby client to search for tasks, write them to t...