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131621-131640 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6094,191redmine_api_helperredmine_api_helper contains methods to ease handling Redmine API calls
131,6094,191numeric-timeGem extending Numeric class and add .min, .days etc methods for Numeric objets(like Fix...
131,6094,191pdf_links_checkerEnsures links in PDFs are accessible
131,6094,191validates-format-of-uriAn ActiveModel validator utilizing the built in URI parse methods to provide a rich sem...
131,6094,191square-activerecordDatabases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby ...
131,6094,191runeSignature generation library for API authentication.
131,6094,191pduey-sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...
131,6284,190tuiA collection of command line utilities to interact with
131,6284,190cheap_stringsCheap string literals for Ruby
131,6284,190rleber-textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
131,6284,190changes_validatorActiveModel validator that acts like state machine
131,6284,190ruboty-zatsudanruboty plugin for 雑談.
131,6284,190array_to_procThis gem adds `#to_proc` method to Array, which works similarly to Symbol#to_proc, but ...
131,6284,190pprbPPRB is a code preprocessor and text templating engine with minimalistic syntax and str...
131,6284,190faraday_cageFaraday Cage allows you to use Faraday for making requests to your REST APIs in integra...
131,6284,190rriRuby/R Interface - A wrapper of jri (Java/R Interface) for JRuby
131,6284,190srx2rubyThis project allows for generating Ruby class providing sentence breaking capabili...
131,6284,190prioritized_ar_mailerEven delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
131,6284,190overpass-docGenerates HTML documentation for a collection of OSM Overpass queries
131,6284,190ttb-spreadsheetAs of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported