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Most downloads over all time
131941-131960 of all 182,301 gems.
131,9354,176cabrilloA ruby library to parse and generate ham radio Cabrillo log files.
131,9354,176cookie_inspectorHelpers and partials to display cookie contents, even for encrypted cookies. Not meant ...
131,9354,176pwdpractiseType your password once, then type it 10 times and see how well you did
131,9354,176opal-d3Opal wrapper library for D3 library
131,9354,176flow_project_manager用来处理project 在实际机器中运行中flowci中与api的通信
131,9354,176pi_pieAlso, PI up to the Feynman Point
131,9354,176sechatQ&A engine for Ruby on Rails.
131,9484,175cocoapods-marstransferA short description of cocoapods-marstransfer.
131,9484,175wrap_methodUseful for callbacks, benchmarking, profiling, code graphs.
131,9484,175gollum-exportThis gem includes the `gollum-export` command that allows converting local markdown fil...
131,9484,175rack_monitorTools for monitoring Rack apps in production.
131,9484,175shoulda_matchmakersShoulda Matchmakers generates regression specs for existing ActiveRecord models and Act...
131,9484,175aldrichA project that is an attempt to rehabilitate and generalize a data ingestion/importatio...
131,9484,175my_string_extend_dwcThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,9484,175pnap_rancher_apiRancher Solution API Ruby Gem
131,9484,175studio54Sinatra meets rails, falls in love, and dances through the night.
131,9484,175valve-cfg-lintvalve cfg file format validator - example: autoexec.cfg, userconfig.cfg
131,9484,175plan_executorA Gem for handling FHIR test executions
131,9484,175matthewrudy-primetableA command line tool which takes an input N, and prints the first N prime numbers in a m...