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Most downloads over all time
131961-131980 of all 182,301 gems.
131,9484,175sass-extractorExtract the contents of Sass files.
131,9624,174hippospayUse API of hippospay
131,9624,174robokassaclientRobokassa Service Consumer
131,9624,174memcached-serverA simple Memcached server (TCP/IP socket) that complies with the specified protocol. Im...
131,9624,174g5_integrations_validationsCommon validations for G5 Integrations
131,9624,174ruby-yqlgem for use the services of yahoo yql with oauth support
131,9624,174chgChange amounts between currencies using the Alpha Vantage API
131,9624,174reco4lifeReco4life提供HTTP API来管理智能插座,封装这些接口
131,9624,174jonbell-mongrationsMongrations aims to be similar to ActiveRecord's data migrations, except instead of wor...
131,9624,174dfa_clientA client for Google's DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA) API - a wrapper for savon v2
131,9624,174billboard_hot_100Scrapes data from and allows a user to see the...
131,9624,174flycat_recordDescription of FlycatRecord.
131,9624,174ebay_historicalsThis gem will allow your rails app to interact with TeraPeak's api to access historical...
131,9624,174flowtermString flows in a terminal
131,9624,174restricted_attributesThis restricted_attributes plugin/gem provides the capabilities to restrict attributes(...
131,9624,174my_string_extend_sitoThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,9624,174tinymce_spellcheckInterface between raspell and TinyMCE
131,9624,174scrawlerScrawler is a project management framework optimized for programmer happiness and susta...
131,9624,174cucumber-tableA gem which can parse Cucumber-Style String to a table. You can write a table in your t...