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Most downloads over all time
132621-132640 of all 180,709 gems.
132,6094,028finddupThis utility finds duplicate files. It's as simple as that.
132,6094,028sidekiq-kawaiSyntax sugar for Sidekiq workers. Each consumer is a class, with clean interface, and c...
132,6094,028descriptionhelp extracting database scheme doc from activerecord migration files
132,6094,028cafe-cucumberBusiness IDE For Cucumber
132,6094,028padrino-authLean authorization and authentication modules for Padrino framework
132,6094,028mongoid-flagsSimple record flagging system for Mongoid documents
132,6094,028brasspounderFeed brasspounder (ham radio slang for CW operator) some text and it will send the text...
132,6284,027facebook_picture_forA configurable Rails view helper for viewing Facebook profile images in your Rails appl...
132,6284,027zeus-edgeBoot any rails app in under a second
132,6284,027rubyistKnow gems owned by someone
132,6284,027phpcodepersonal useful php codes
132,6284,027rl_hiya_crissman_chadlearning how to create a gem
132,6284,027symlink_fastSymlink your configs in a single execution of run when deploying with Capistrano
132,6284,027mirror-dbMirrorDB generate a mirror application based on the existing DataBase
132,6284,027holypackA pack that adds handy libraries that are usually needed in most webapps
132,6284,027guard-clockworkguard gem for clockwork
132,6284,027taobao_apiThe taobao_api GemPlugin
132,6284,027ice_cube_conradice_cube is a recurring date library for Ruby. It allows for quick, programatic expans...
132,6284,027monetary_valueProvides the MonetaryValue and Currency classes.
132,6284,027synapse_redis_loggerProvides support for application logging to Redis, including grouping log entries and t...