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132561-132580 of all 180,643 gems.
132,5424,022blackoutThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
132,5424,022relinklyEasily create short links on your ruby apps using Rebrandly API.
132,5424,022cpf_toolsThe Brazilian Tax ID (CPF) validation and formatting, more functions to come
132,5424,022aniero-treehouseSimple node and visitor definitions for Treetop grammars.
132,5654,021isprimeA simple gem
132,5654,021PixelForce_ETSSelf-customized CMS Engine
132,5654,021xonXon is a superset of JSON that supports Time values.
132,5654,021KenseiRubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode
132,5654,021track_tweetsAPI for track_tweets service (monitoring tweet stats)
132,5654,021rfcommerce_promoRequired dependancy for Rfcommerce
132,5654,021jekyll-autonofollowjekyll-autonofollow is a Jekyll plugin that adds rel='nofollow' to all external urls in...
132,5654,021shojiShoji is a package of reading various formats of table structured data file.
132,5654,021shell_utilsShell utilities.
132,5654,021flikrsearchEnables a user to search images on Flikr based off a specific term.
132,5654,021dwarvesDWARF parser (only the .debug_info section for now).
132,5654,021cybertipCybertip gem is created to assist CyberTipLine, which is operated in partnership with t...
132,5654,021mfeA program which remembers and executes brief scripts.
132,5654,021spork-assertUse spork with the assert testing framework
132,5654,021mdbmDrop any object into MDBM. It marshals in and out of DBM. See DBM for basic usage info ...