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132581-132600 of all 180,661 gems.
132,5784,021PixelForce_ETSSelf-customized CMS Engine
132,5784,021xonXon is a superset of JSON that supports Time values.
132,5784,021track_tweetsAPI for track_tweets service (monitoring tweet stats)
132,5784,021rfcommerce_promoRequired dependancy for Rfcommerce
132,5784,021jekyll-autonofollowjekyll-autonofollow is a Jekyll plugin that adds rel='nofollow' to all external urls in...
132,5784,021shojiShoji is a package of reading various formats of table structured data file.
132,5784,021cexio-apiA ruby client for the REST API. Allows to access and control your account. The g...
132,5784,021shell_utilsShell utilities.
132,5784,021droplet_metadataTiny wrapper for DigitalOcean droplet metadata API -
132,5784,021mfeA program which remembers and executes brief scripts.
132,5784,021spork-assertUse spork with the assert testing framework
132,5784,021mdbmDrop any object into MDBM. It marshals in and out of DBM. See DBM for basic usage info ...
132,5784,021pdf_links_checkerEnsures links in PDFs are accessible
132,5784,021e1512ts_sales_taxCalculate Japanese sales tax.
132,5784,021spree_product_translationTranslate products in multiple languages
132,5784,021user_profile_formatterSimple user profile formatter. It checks that user profile exists.
132,5784,021KenseiRubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode
132,5994,020vocalwareRuby client for Vocalware REST API
132,5994,020lanchatjust install gem and and type rake start_server.