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Most downloads over all time
132541-132560 of all 180,571 gems.
132,5214,016mfeA program which remembers and executes brief scripts.
132,5214,016rpg_libLibrary of tools for automating role-playing game tasks.
132,5214,016cpf_toolsThe Brazilian Tax ID (CPF) validation and formatting, more functions to come
132,5454,015bonjourStyerfoamA simple hello world gem
132,5454,015enoEno: Eno is Not an ORM
132,5454,015rails-stencilA set of simple rails generators to make initial app setup quick and easy.
132,5454,015KenseiRubygem backend for Kensei, the Emacs mail major mode
132,5454,015query_trace-rails-3With query_trace enabled, the Rails logs will contain a partial stack trace for every e...
132,5454,015vocalwareRuby client for Vocalware REST API
132,5454,015kenneth_the_pageKenneth the Page lets you easily adding static and dynamic pages to your Rails application
132,5454,015purple_air_apiThis gem is a API wrapper for the PurpleAir API intended to help in making requests ...
132,5454,015cexio-apiA ruby client for the REST API. Allows to access and control your account. The g...
132,5454,015double_bookedDouble-entry accounting issues credits and debits, calculates balances, allows for summ...
132,5454,015soap4r-r19An implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby.
132,5454,015guard-clockworkguard gem for clockwork
132,5454,015paperclip-backblazeAllows Paperclip attachments to be backed by Backblaze B2 Cloud storage as an alternati...
132,5454,015opentelemetry-adapters-allAll-in-one instrumentation adapter bundle for the OpenTelemetry framework