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Most downloads over all time
132601-132620 of all 180,661 gems.
132,5994,020selectaA fuzzy text selector for files and anything else you need to select.
132,5994,020zeus-edgeBoot any rails app in under a second
132,5994,020unitfyUnity provides extensions to your objects to support values with units
132,5994,020text-invoiceinvoicing tools
132,5994,020rails-stencilA set of simple rails generators to make initial app setup quick and easy.
132,5994,020underscore-templateCompile and evaluate underscore templates from Ruby.
132,5994,020query_trace-rails-3With query_trace enabled, the Rails logs will contain a partial stack trace for every e...
132,5994,020kenneth_the_pageKenneth the Page lets you easily adding static and dynamic pages to your Rails application
132,5994,020double_bookedDouble-entry accounting issues credits and debits, calculates balances, allows for summ...
132,5994,020soap4r-r19An implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby.
132,5994,020guard-clockworkguard gem for clockwork
132,5994,020vk_cozyvk_cozy является фреймворком для vk api, имеет удобные хэндлеры и фильтры, создан чтобы...
132,5994,020mach_learnA simple hello world gem
132,5994,020standinA rails engine for creating dummy pages as "standins" without the needs for routes or c...
132,5994,020connector_kit_forkA gem for communicating with the App Store Connect API.
132,5994,020romqGracefully handle common amqp exceptions for more robust clients.
132,5994,020logstash-filter-phpserializeAllow to decode phpserialized values
132,5994,020nulogy-poirotmustaches are cool
132,5994,020rl_hiya_sonpatki_prathameshThe library says hello to everyone.