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Most downloads over all time
135241-135260 of all 180,518 gems.
135,2263,871tamashii-mfrc522MFRC522 RFID Reader Library for RaspberryPi
135,2263,871avospushAVOS Push Help you push
135,2263,871glennr_opensrsProvides support to utilize the OpenSRS API with Ruby/Rails.
135,2263,871calculiCalculated functions for metaprogramming.
135,2263,871sig_mongoid_spacialmongoid_spacial simplifies spacial calculations. Adds integration into mongoid so pagin...
135,2263,871gaddagImplementation of the GADDAG data structure
135,2263,871studio_game_SEGame exercise as part of Pragmatic Studio Ruby programming course.
135,2263,871mrdshinse_linterslinter files for mrdshinse.
135,2263,871dacz-authuserUser Auth For Rails, forked from Clearance.
135,2503,870profiler_railsA profiler for Rails application based on ruby-prof that supports flat, graph and stack...
135,2503,870unsitemapSitemap Consumer
135,2503,870ballgamegem install ballgame
135,2503,870capistrano3-drupalDrupal deployment for Capistrano 3.x
135,2503,870wardrobePlugin based attribute system for ruby objects
135,2503,870breakout-detectionBreakout detection for Ruby
135,2503,870basic_queueIt supports the usual enqueue and dequeue operations, along with methods for peeking at...
135,2503,870microdata_schemamicrodata json-ld generator
135,2503,870hallon-queue-outputStream Spotify via Hallon to ruby Queue for playback or processing in another thread.