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135321-135340 of all 182,301 gems.
135,3194,004prime_finderUses the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to find the prime numbers given lower and/or u...
135,3194,004gicodewarrior-gdataThis gem provides a set of wrappers designed to make it easy to work with the Google D...
135,3194,004just_normalize_cssnormalize.css for the rails asset pipeline
135,3194,004aionA gem for performing time calculations.
135,3194,004naamahA Ruby wrapper for the Project Noah ( API
135,3194,004nasa_apiPlease visit the github repository at for usage ...
135,3194,004amethystA placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.
135,3314,003minitest-descriptiveMake your assertion diffs smarter
135,3314,003ratemeRateme is a simple rating plugin for active record
135,3314,003academical-api-clientOfficial Academical API library client for ruby
135,3314,003english_spellcheckerA basic English dictionary spellchecker which returns the correctly spelled word or ni...
135,3314,003payload-translatorUse configuration to transform a payload to another payload
135,3314,003bahuvrihi-biomass-data_explorerdata_explorer task library
135,3314,003rabbit-slide-znz-SapporoRubyKaigi2012IRCnet の日本語チャンネルでは iso-2022-jp が使われていて、 iso-2022-jp は ascii compatible ではありません。 そのことが様々...
135,3314,003bahuvrihi-syckleA sick little syck loader.
135,3314,003BanzaiMan-ZenTestZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby. ZenTe...
135,3314,003snap_svg-railsAdd Snap.svg - - to the Rails asset pipeline