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135301-135320 of all 180,507 gems.
135,2793,867rehtmlPure Ruby html parser. This library parse html and build rexml document. Nokogiri is ...
135,2793,867bakedweb-model_notifierNotifies when a model is created
135,2793,867bekkopen-warbler= Warbler
135,2793,867elasticsnapConsistent snapshots for elasticsearch
135,2793,867i18n-mongodbRails I18n backend for MongoDB
135,2793,867trialdayA simple web framework gem
135,2793,867mock_aws_s3_on_memorysimple AWS::S3 mock. so you can use it in your tests without use the network.
135,3083,866transition_events_jsjQuery plugin to set listeners for CSS Transition animation end or specific part.
135,3083,866rubyswigBuilds SWIG (Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator) from source with minimal dependenc...
135,3083,866gizmo-codescratchRemoving the crud from developing an API to support CRUD, in the name of Gizmo.
135,3083,866math-tauAdds Math::TAU as the radius-based circle constant, equal to 2 * Math::PI. See http://t...
135,3083,866metro-ld25Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...
135,3083,866channel_groupingGiven a source_url and destination_url, this gem will determine the traffic's channel (...
135,3083,866fartscroll-railsGem to automate use of the Onion's fartscroll.js using asset pipeline.
135,3083,866royratcliffe-zucchini-iosZucchini follows simple walkthrough scenarios for your iOS app, takes screenshots and c...
135,3083,866materializecssThis is a gem for Rails with MaterializeCSS assets inside.
135,3083,866regex_fieldAdd a regex field on Rails form helper
135,3083,866bitbucket_migrationMigrates existing git repositories to bitbucket.
135,3083,866etatEtat is a minimalistic gem to help you (me, for now) manage some states in your Rails app.
135,3083,866aurelian-ruby-stemmerStemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1