Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135281-135300 of all 180,518 gems.
135,2693,869bahuvrihi-biomass-xcaliburxcalibur task library
135,2693,869super_awesome_resource_serializerQuickly create custom serializations for resources rather than relying on the generated...
135,2693,869blackbird1a simple gem!
135,2693,869bronzeA composable application toolkit, providing data entities and collections, transforms, ...
135,2693,869aurelian-ruby-stemmerStemmer implementation to ruby using libstemmer_c. Working with ruby 1.9.1
135,2863,868hola_xumcA simple hello world gem
135,2863,868sendgrid_webRuby interface for working with SendGrid's Web (HTTP) API. Read more at http://docs.sen...
135,2863,868auto_presenterAutoPresenter uses convention over configuration to remove the bolierplate code to use ...
135,2863,868ashleym1972-SyslogLoggerAn improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a few cav...
135,2863,868noodall-articlesSimple blog like functionality for Noodall
135,2863,868average_rolesAdd roles to models with tree structure via postgres_tree. It's average because it does...
135,2863,868compileCompile ruby from source locally and remotely
135,2863,868syswatchSimple system monitoring tool with e-mail alerting.
135,2863,868aurora-data-apiDoesn't depend on ActiveRecord and takes advantage of PORO (plain old Ruby object) like...
135,2863,868royratcliffe-zucchini-iosZucchini follows simple walkthrough scenarios for your iOS app, takes screenshots and c...
135,2863,868errbit_trac_pluginAdd Trac issue tracker plugin to errbit
135,2863,868word_statsProvides a set of methods useful for analysis of plaintext
135,2863,868Hola_gaaraA simple hello world gem
135,2863,868behaveableGet behaveable object for attachments on Ruby and Rails applications
135,2863,868arabic_conjugatorConjugate MSA verbs