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137101-137120 of all 180,488 gems.
137,0903,767railsblocks-theme-bootstrapDescription of Theme::Bootstrap.
137,0903,767lineaLinea Iconset is a free outline iconset featuring 730+ Icons.
137,0903,767logger-colorruby logger with color
137,0903,767ardm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
137,0903,767leo-modelGeneric classes to write anything
137,0903,767comment_collectorCommenct collector
137,0903,767rails_document_readyA simple way to have per controller and per action methods called on document ready whe...
137,0903,767compound_interestCalculate compound interest
137,0903,767rolldayAdd Rollbar to Faraday middleware easily and customizable
137,0903,767follyFolly implements methods to trigger failures like segmentation faults.
137,0903,767TempStreetAddressStreetAddress::US allows you to send any string to parse and if the string is a US addr...
137,0903,767rails_simplemde_editorSimpleMDE markdown editor for rails.
137,0903,767suj_my_string_extendThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
137,0903,767m2fm-automatic-clowncarmail2frontmatter plugin for middleman-automatic-clowncar
137,1163,766cache_reduceA simple, powerful pattern for caching data
137,1163,766brettjackson-uniquifyGenerate a unique token with Active Record.
137,1163,766bernsteinRuby OSC message queue
137,1163,766base64_attachmentThis gem allows you to define `file`-attributes on an active record class which can rec...
137,1163,766ruboty-jsonRuboty's brain as a JSON file