Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
137081-137100 of all 180,507 gems.
137,0733,770line_send_buttonLINE Send button helper
137,0733,770jpathJPath is a Ruby library that allows to execute XPath queries on JSON documents
137,0733,770supporting_castOpinionated generators for common Rails supporting cast services, or 'supporting_casts'
137,0733,770search_qdSearchQd provides a search method for string/text columns of an ActiveRecord model. The...
137,0733,770zen_pubPublication mixin
137,0733,770classy_filterA cutomizeable class-based filtering/searching library for Sequel
137,0733,770mmfaA little gem to get the current multi-factor authentication key on a Mac
137,0733,770uppmax-gadgetGadgets for UPPMAX users
137,0733,770astronautComing soon!
137,0733,770moneygmA simple money conversor gem
137,0733,770mateusmaso-docsplitDocsplit is a command-line utility and Ruby library for splitting apart documents i...
137,0733,770acts_as_archivableThere has never been a better time to move database records to an archive table.
137,0733,770zack_walkingstick_first_gemThis gem will only print "Hello World" to the console.
137,0733,770tribune-is_it_workingRack handler for monitoring several parts of a web application so one request can deter...
137,0733,770tic_tac_toe_pernixA simple tictactoe game
137,0733,770uartUART is a simple wrapper around the ruby-termios gem that gives you an easy interface f...
137,0733,770gitflowversionDerives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow.
137,0733,770doctor-strangeA Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, redis, stripe, mail...
137,0733,770ppcliPPCLI is a CLI tool for pp.
137,0733,770m2fm-automatic-clowncarmail2frontmatter plugin for middleman-automatic-clowncar