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Most downloads over all time
137701-137720 of all 180,507 gems.
137,6953,739brain_damageCan't explain better than that :)
137,6953,739pdtablePdtable is a Pandas.DataFrame-like class that is expanded from CSV::Table. It has some ...
137,6953,739just_some_learninThis is the Game from the Pragmatic Studios Ruby course. It is executed with bin/studi...
137,6953,739nexmo_rackNexmo related middleware to make it easier to work with Nexmo's webhooks
137,6953,739siwapp-clientAccess Siwapp data via API.
137,6953,739weekly_calendarweekly calendar that supports tasks and multi-day events
137,6953,739md2ansiConverts markdown to ansi.
137,6953,739validates_websiteA Validator to validate if the website's url is being submited is an active one or spam
137,6953,739bmabey-faketwitterFakeWeb wrapper for Twitter and factories to build tweets and search responses
137,6953,739rbscreenshotTake a screen shot with ruby in one line.
137,6953,739bridgescaffoldbridgescaffold description
137,6953,739canaveralMore to come!
137,6953,739bjeanes-harsh"Harsh: Another Rails Syntax Highlighter," is just that - it highlights code in Rails, ...
137,7143,738RocketAMF-ouvragesFast AMF serializer/deserializer with remoting request/response wrappers to simplify in...
137,7143,738rest-objectREST API Object DSL for RESTful API testing
137,7143,738befungeBasic Befunge Interpreter
137,7143,738beerdb_apiSimple wrapper for the BreweryDB API
137,7143,738yandex_translate_api_gemLibrary for Yandex Translate API
137,7143,738uc3-dmp-citationHelper for working with DOI citations
137,7143,738note_frequenciesConvert musical note names to frequencies