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Most downloads over all time
137721-137740 of all 180,507 gems.
137,7143,738xbl_gamercardA Nokogiri based XBox Live gamercard and Live profile scraper
137,7143,738powercontroller9202A Ruby GEDCOM to communicate with an Aviosys Inc. 9202 IP Power Controller (and associa...
137,7143,738locodeThe Locode gem gives you the ability to lookup UN/LOCODE codes.
137,7143,738git-hello20130919gem test desc
137,7143,738safe_credentialsEncrypt sensitive credentials so you can store your configuration files in source control
137,7143,738pandlerManage your packages with chroot
137,7143,738mapped_attributesAllows to build ActiveRecord objects with alternative attribute naming
137,7143,738lita-responderA Lita handler for responding using saved key-value or optionally using cleverbot
137,7143,738blaz-eppBasic functionality for connecting and making requests on EPP (Extensible Provisioning ...
137,7143,738oddsmakerConvert and manipulate sportsbook betting odds (American, decimal, fractional) and prob...
137,7143,738probjectA lightweight actor-based concurrent object framework with each object running in it's ...
137,7323,737data-pipelineProcess data using pipelines and operations
137,7323,737organism-generatorsRails generators for quickly prototyping organisms.
137,7323,737wssSimple websocket server / client
137,7323,737rl_hiya_brooks_jasonsimply returns 'hiya'
137,7323,737omniauth-putioOmniAuth strategy for the v2 API
137,7323,737self_testing_frameworkThis gem provides a self testing framework
137,7323,737gem_menuGemMenu allows a user to easily create a menu interface for a CLI or other text based app.
137,7323,737hola-plA simple hello world gem
137,7323,737kudoughPerform a credit check using the Kudough web service.