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140081-140100 of all 181,049 gems.
140,0703,683brad-railsBrad is a simple tool for generating help popovers based on Boostrap 3 Popovers
140,0703,683my_string_extend_jbc123The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
140,0703,683chanakyaChanakya Quotes.
140,0703,683deliverhqDeliverHQ API wrapper
140,0703,683duckerWork in progress...
140,0703,683compactAims to help you keep the behaviour of your test doubles in line with that of your real...
140,0703,683all_accessYour class is really a bag of attributes
140,0703,683hashizeRefinements classes of ruby's standard library as Hash
140,0703,683comparabilityProvides Comparator and declarative definition of comparison operator.
140,0703,683worth_savingHelps users of your app recover work by auto-saving drafts
140,0703,683ipswitchMigrate IP addresses on the fly to other hosts without downtime
140,0703,683middleman-emojiEmoji extension for Middleman
140,0703,683stashboard-rubyLittle library written to make interacting with the stashboard api a bit easier.
140,0703,683JackDanger-sweet_assetsAutomate adding stylesheets and javascripts to your controller actions
140,0963,682tablifyUse Tablify to make prettier tabulated output in the console.
140,0963,682ggggsssggggsss is grep command for S3 files.
140,0963,682christocracy-merb-extjs-directMerb implementation of ExtJS's Ext.Direct router
140,0963,682minitest-crowdsourceHave a human look at your object and let you know if it is valid.
140,0963,682harness-resqueLog resque metrics to Harness