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140101-140120 of all 182,419 gems.
140,0843,761signal_action_handlerList current action handlers for all Signals, without having to override the current ac...
140,0843,761uwapiUniversity of Waterloo OpenData API Ruby Implementation
140,0843,761dockerfile_astParse a Dockerfile, the write the parsed data back to a file.
140,0843,761why_are_there_images_in_my_terminalShow an image in the (iterm2) terminal
140,0843,761tla-trace-filterA command line filter utility for processing [[
140,0843,761humanhashhumanhash provides human-readable representations of digests.
140,0843,761redis_arrayCreate persistent, redis-backed arrays with a simple, familiar syntax
140,1083,760peterauthAn authentication application
140,1083,760super_modelThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,1083,760dopamineRest client for Dopamine API, a behavioral reward platform
140,1083,760neutrinoAn uploader library that embraces modularity and rejects magick
140,1083,760aslakhellesoy-ansicolorANSI color support for Java/JRuby on Windows.
140,1083,760lorem_jpJapanese Lorem Ipsum generator
140,1083,760knigodejKnigodej gem is a tool to make a PDF, and DJVU books from the XCF (GIMP image) source
140,1083,760proxyreverseReverse proxy your local web-server
140,1083,760jekyll-leaflet-mzeEmbed leatlet.js maps in Jekyll. Updates Stamen source URL.
140,1083,760simple_auto_completeThe most simple gem for text field auto complete
140,1083,760synculus-codexSynculus Codex - A Knowledge Base powered by Synculus
140,1083,760capistrano-scm-dummydummy SCM for cap 3
140,1083,760capistrano-overridesCapistrano stage configuration overrides.