Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
140061-140080 of all 182,419 gems.
140,0573,762omniauth-mentionOmniAuth strategy for Mention (OAuth 2.0)
140,0573,762bsherman-compassSass-Based CSS Meta-Framework. Semantic, Maintainable CSS.
140,0573,762gem_test2A simple gem that says hello to the world!
140,0573,762redis-collectionsredis-collections associates collections of models with an object, similar how to redis...
140,0573,762immutable_listImmutable Linked List implemented in C-Extensions
140,0573,762nietzscheGitHub style deployments
140,0573,762rootedwesta gem
140,0573,762netappGem to query netapp information
140,0573,762voncountCount characters like The Count
140,0573,762async_tcpsocketAn asyncronous tcp socket for ruby
140,0573,762configurable_enumMake ActiveRecord `enum` configurable: store the mapping in database instead of hard code
140,0573,762firekassaRuby Client of Firekassa API
140,0573,762canariA gem to monitor TLS certificates using Cert Stream.
140,0573,762embulk-input-swiftReads files stored on Swift.
140,0573,762wersUsage: wers command [options...] Commands: init Add current available Ruby pat...
140,0573,762leifcr-activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
140,0573,762ruby-openid-teamsSupport for the OpenIDTeams extension
140,0573,762rhythmResponsive typography foundation with vertical rhythm
140,0573,762tipcal_robsonA gem which calculates a tip based on a string, integer or float input
140,0573,762synculus-usersSynculus Users Rails Engine