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Most downloads over all time
140341-140360 of all 180,518 gems.
140,3283,615omniauth-kaixinan omniauth strategy for kaixin001
140,3283,615nasreddinNasreddin is a library to make distributed calls via HornetQ
140,3283,615lucentA Test Execution Framework for Lucid
140,3443,614CodeDiffGiven two diles gives you a diff of comments, code, percentage change and accumulative ...
140,3443,614oridomi-railsOriDomi, bundled for the Rails 3.0 and up
140,3443,614citrus-event-busEvent bus adapter for Citrus.
140,3443,614privateerA library for writing private apps for Shopify
140,3443,614postgrestatsPostgrestats is a library that captures important PostgreSQL statistics
140,3443,614nrser-ruby-extrasruby stuff beyond the (dependency-free) core stuff in the `nrser` gem.
140,3443,614shirtsio-rubyThe client library
140,3443,614jekyll-local-assignA Jekyll plugin to assign to the context stack
140,3443,614capybara-ember-inspectorAdds Ember Inspector capable Selenium Driver into your Capybara tests for convenient de...
140,3443,614babel-trainTranslation backend for i18n
140,3443,614digestible_attributesRails plugin for generating and storing hash digests based on model attributes
140,3443,614best_buyA gem for requesting information from the BestBuy API
140,3443,614capistrano-jbundlerJBundler support for Capistrano 3.x
140,3443,614kara-gemThis is a pretty empty gem. It just has a binstub and a version
140,3443,614subuno-ruby-apiProvides integration with the Subuno fraud screening API
140,3443,614diskDisk Functions
140,3443,614jonesan2_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector