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141681-141700 of all 180,534 gems.
141,6683,560crux-env-path-fixruby script to append, prepend, remove, remove by regexp and remove duplicate entries f...
141,6683,560readable_identGenerates a readable ident for a given model
141,6683,560buBu is just an event publisher
141,6683,560ecomcrmodA module to allow CodeRunner to run the Grad-Shafranov solver ECOM
141,6683,560costan-rtunnelReverse tunnel server and client.
141,6683,560iopromise-faradayThis gem provides a promise-based interface to Faraday using IOPromise
141,6683,560object_patchAn implementation of JSON::Patch but for hashes and array. The results can be converted...
141,6683,560imagga-categorizationRuby client for accessing Imagga categorization & training API
141,6683,560serviesServies helps you to build a backend for your application.
141,6683,560json2jsonConvert JSON from one format to another
141,6683,560backtrailKeep a trail of request paths for your Rails application
141,6683,560spree_paypal_express_mutalisAdds PayPal Express as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce
141,6683,560tingeExtract color information into various formats from CSS/SCSS files.
141,6943,559rack-content_length_setterMiddleware that autowrites Content-Length to responses
141,6943,559fquantA library for Quants in ruby
141,6943,559FirstGemTest1212that's it...
141,6943,559geocodableGeocodable is a UK geocoding service using Open Data
141,6943,559chjsonapiCompanies House JSON API gem
141,6943,559rails_admin_nestable_sbRailsAdmin Drag and drop tree view modified for SB technologies using rails_admin_nesta...
141,6943,559rack-logGives a global scope logger for rack middleware