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Most downloads over all time
141701-141720 of all 180,543 gems.
141,6933,560representable-render-nilRepresentable render nil by default
141,6933,560librDigital books framework based on abstract xml definitions
141,6933,560usefull_attachmentDescribe Gem Here
141,6933,560motion-wizardAn small library to create wizard like views controllers
141,6933,560keppler_watsonGem of Watson api
141,6933,560role-authRolebased authorization
141,6933,560space_catsSpace. Cats. Gem.
141,6933,560deadlyicon-git-wiki-with-itGit a wiki with it is a plugin for rails that add simple wikis implimented in git
141,6933,560mzsanford-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
141,6933,560usno-eclipse-lunarObtain the circumstances of recent and upcoming lunar eclipses for any location
141,6933,560circleci_notifyNotification when finished Build on CircleCI
141,6933,560imagga-categorizationRuby client for accessing Imagga categorization & training API
141,6933,560sshfsSimple ssh connections and configurations script
141,6933,560dongjia_ritmHTTP(S) Intercept Proxy
141,6933,560bitcoin_cash_register-railsUses's json API to generate 'checkout wallets' that can be associated w...
141,6933,560json2jsonConvert JSON from one format to another
141,6933,560codemodels-javaparserwrapperCode to wrap parsers written in Java and produce models suitable to be used in CodeModels
141,6933,560rl_hiya_jmpJust prints a message
141,6933,560codenjoy_connectionGem handling ws connection and simple communication for numerous games in Codenjoy.
141,6933,560cho45-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in and object o...