Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
144921-144940 of all 180,507 gems.
144,9053,424genki-extlib-presentMerb plugin that provides :present? method to Object
144,9053,424gravis-clearanceSimple, complete Rails authentication scheme.
144,9053,424devbinPower up the containerized workspace with docker + docker-sync. Run command anywhere in...
144,9053,424butterfliProcesses data from the web into a common container, typically from social media.
144,9053,424wvanbergen-sql_treeTo make it easier to build and manipulate SQL queries, sql_tree can parse an SQL query ...
144,9053,424trakioTrakIO Ruby Client Library
144,9053,424sony-camera-remoteProvides a wrapper around to API for cameras that support the Sony [Camera Remote API](...
144,9053,424harukizaemon-drupal_fuRuby on Rails Models and Helpers for integrating with Drupal.
144,9053,424flashcards_arikgadyeGem to make and read flashcards
144,9303,423awsqrCLI utility to add issuer field to AWS QR Code for IAM MFA
144,9303,423jsoneurGeneral purpose JSON API client
144,9303,423jekyll-slugify-categoriesSlugifies categories in post URLs
144,9303,423ffi-enum-generatorGenerate values for FFI enums directly
144,9303,423hammerofgodSimple command line tool to look at urls.
144,9303,423birthday_integerI must tell you the truth: Your birthday is not a date. It is an integer.
144,9303,423bloomfilter-rb-without-nativeCounting Bloom Filter implemented in Ruby (fork without native code)
144,9303,423limited_actiondefine action only run limited condition
144,9303,423lita-yurudevYurufuwa Devroom Toolkit
144,9303,423matrixmorpheusLawrence Fishburn proposes a mind bending question
144,9303,423my_string_extend_hmkadds a method writesize and returns its size