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Most downloads over all time
144941-144960 of all 180,507 gems.
144,9303,423quick_benchmarkQuick Benchmark
144,9303,423mabuhayA Ruby GUI framework designed to leverage web technologies without the need to write an...
144,9303,423editorsLibrary for opening text editors and getting their content as a string. Useful for comm...
144,9303,423sbfmSimple the Best Fom Me theme is a theme to Jekyll blog
144,9303,423omniauth-twitch-cejTwitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
144,9303,423jekyll-typifyA simple one pager ideal for pretty much anything.
144,9303,423yaqutA lightweight database of language names and ISO codes.
144,9303,423visupediaOfficial Visupedia API library client for ruby
144,9303,423ffmike-suprailsThis project is intended to be a replacement for the "rails" command. It does not repl...
144,9303,423jekyll-sound_cloudJekyll plugin adds Liquid Tag for generating embedded Soundcloud iframes
144,9303,423fastest_serverFind the fastest server via ping.
144,9523,422rack-infoRack middleware to add information to request headers or body
144,9523,422static_errorsSaves dynamic pages as a static error file
144,9523,422tunitIt's basicly minitest
144,9523,422hailoProvides easy way to interact with the HAILO API in any kind of application
144,9523,422get_country_codesThe library gets the country name and returns the corresponding country code. USAGE : i...
144,9523,422hepburnhepburn romanji conversion
144,9523,422fcoury-db2s3db2s3 provides rake tasks for backing up and restoring your DB to S3
144,9523,422lab42_context_mapA map impelementation with context, access goodies and representation format enhancemen...
144,9523,422webget-hash_rolldownhash_roldown: a method to aggregate hash values by key, e.g. to calculate subtotals