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Most downloads over all time
144961-144980 of all 180,518 gems.
144,9493,423lita-yurudevYurufuwa Devroom Toolkit
144,9493,423matrixmorpheusLawrence Fishburn proposes a mind bending question
144,9493,423my_string_extend_hmkadds a method writesize and returns its size
144,9493,423docksyncRsync files from your macosx machine to the docker container
144,9493,423remote_syslog_sender_msMessage sender that sends directly to a remote syslog endpoint (Support UDP, TCP, TCP+TLS)
144,9493,423dailyrepThis is Ruby App collects the information you need (currency, new torrents, etc) from v...
144,9493,423mabuhayA Ruby GUI framework designed to leverage web technologies without the need to write an...
144,9493,423ruby_uml_classCreate a Ruby UML class diagram with PlangUml.
144,9493,423purple_hippogem helps in the purple hippoing.
144,9493,423omniauth-twitch-cejTwitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
144,9493,423visupediaOfficial Visupedia API library client for ruby
144,9493,423yaqutA lightweight database of language names and ISO codes.
144,9493,423karasiThe tool for designers, HTML coders to statically render any templates.
144,9493,423hola_dancbJust another simple hello world gem!
144,9753,422fotonauts-bunnyAnother synchronous Ruby AMQP client
144,9753,422tatyree-admobEnables easy integration of AdMob ads into a RoR mobile site. Bypasses the original gem...
144,9753,422sluggable_davidTealeaf homework
144,9753,422social_iteData from popular media outlets
144,9753,422petnameGenerates random words consisting of a random combination of an adverb, adjective, and ...
144,9753,422tunitIt's basicly minitest