Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145561-145580 of all 180,488 gems.
145,5463,397motion-parallelmotion-parallel is parallel iterations for RubyMotion
145,5463,397gmalamid-spinalLightweight middleware for bidirectional process distribution over TCP
145,5633,396visionmedia-ruby-php-bridgeRuby to PHP / PHP to Ruby bridge
145,5633,396lua-literalLua-literal provides a class for conversion of Lua's literals to Ruby.
145,5633,396logstash-output-loganalyticsLogstash output plugin to send logs to Azure Log Analytics. Uses Log Analytics HTTP Dat...
145,5633,396hola_dunstontcA simple hello world gem
145,5633,396ursm-delta_attackextract text from MS Office document with Apache POI
145,5633,396httpcapA configurable and extensible, HTTP proxy and capture library, implementing the Browser...
145,5633,396learn_reviewlearn_review is a tool for reviewing lessons
145,5633,396yozhyk-database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
145,5633,396chef-resourceCreate composable, idempotent, patchy APIs with disturbing ease
145,5633,396orbiterFor tracking the orbits of n free bodies in a 2D space
145,5633,396sshcoinDecentralized hosting for autonomous applications
145,5633, item information scraper
145,5633,396payzenPayzen payment form generator
145,5633,396rack-identiconGives you a Rack middleware to generate pictures representing data, like gravatar does.
145,5633,396vigilem-supportSupport for Vigilem
145,5633,396todoplicatorDuplicate to-dos between popular to-do tools.
145,5633,396glv-micronaut-unitAdds test/unit compatibility to Micronaut.
145,5633,396pushcoSimple Ruby Wrapper