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Most downloads over all time
145581-145600 of all 180,488 gems.
145,5633,396themoviedb-jzgProvides a simple, easy to use interface for the Movie Database API.
145,5633,396ha_ha_he_heInteract with kahuna api
145,5633,396radiojs-railsRadio.js is a small dependency-free publish/subscribe javascript library. Use it to imp...
145,5633,396maiha-unicode_japaneseThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
145,5633,396yolk-mementoUndo for Rails/ActiveRecord - covers destroy, update and create
145,5633,396prawn-pdfimageAdd PDF 'images' as images in prawn documents
145,5633,396godfat-rubycas-serverProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
145,5633,396rails_acclog2dbrails access log save to database.
145,5633,396ticketlocker-rubyA ruby wrapper around the Ticketlocker API
145,5633,396gf-SoksAnother Ruby Wiki. See for details
145,5913,395prize_serviceThis is a simple task that supplies information about prize service of a customer
145,5913,395vote_postitA example gem about voting
145,5913,395wkhtml-binProvides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package.
145,5913,395peatio-infuraInfura Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abstr...
145,5913,395gerwinbrunner-sort_alphabeticalSort UTF8 Strings alphabetical via Enumerable extension
145,5913,395Mange-field_helpersTakes away the somnolent task of displaying ActiveRecord field values in views in Ruby ...
145,5913,395humble_rpi-plugin-ds18b20A Humble RPi plugin to read the ambient temperature from the DS18B20 sensor.
145,5913,395lauragiftThis is an Hello World Gem proudly built by Gift Egwuenu!
145,5913,395gem_practiceWrite a longer description. Optional.
145,5913,395locomotive_search_ext_pluginProvides search display tag.