Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
145601-145620 of all 180,477 gems.
145,5863,395rack-identiconGives you a Rack middleware to generate pictures representing data, like gravatar does.
145,5863,395jandot-ruby-ucsc-apiruby-ucsc-api provides a ruby API to the UCSC databases (
145,5863,395get_back_to_work_carolannGet Back to Work Carolann
145,5863,395gem-beitEdit a gem for a given name from Gemfile. Also checkout [gem-eit][]. [gem-eit]: https...
145,5863,395ghi_label_makerUtility for copying github issue labels from a source repo to target repo(s). Use "*" t...
145,5863,395meekThis may go from ActiveRecord to Object or Object to ActiveRecord
145,5863,395prize_serviceThis is a simple task that supplies information about prize service of a customer
145,5863,395prebuild.meCLI for
145,5863,395rabbit-slide-kou-sapporoonga-20140329Droongaはまだ新しいプロダクトなのであまり情報がありません。今回はそんな Droongaを使いはじめる方法を紹介します。
145,5863,395geoffgarside-primehostingCapistrano recipes for deployment to Primehosting accounts
145,5863,395jesseJesse helps to call ORCA-API and CLAIM requests.
145,5863,395store_current_userA simple wrapper over RequestStore to provide a controller filter to store the current ...
145,5863,395specialkMake me fabulous
145,5863,395yaks-simpleSimple JSON Format that ignores most of yaks features.
145,5863,395ijsoninteractively browse large json file
145,6183,394top_companiesScrapes fortune 500's website:
145,6183,394tmcCommandline utilities for testmycode
145,6183,394nov-omniauth-yahoojpFork of Official OmniAuth strategy for Yahoo! JAPAN.