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Most downloads over all time
145621-145640 of all 180,477 gems.
145,6183,394thomas_tryTesting creating a gem.
145,6183,394akatosh_botAdds a method `self.tamriel` to the Time module that translates Time objects into their...
145,6183,394sankalpk_holaA simple hello world gem
145,6183,394mediawiki_table_scraperScrapes the tables from a MediaWiki page.
145,6183,394gctools-railsrails controller logging of GC stats using gctools
145,6183,394madlib_lynnLynn's implementation of the MadLib game
145,6183,394tic-tac-toe-rubyPlay the tic-tac-toe game in the Terminal. Supports fields of any size, and can be play...
145,6183,394json2ltsvConvert JSON to LTSV line by line.
145,6183,394voteable_arthurVoteable Module for Tealeaf Homework.
145,6183,394user-service-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
145,6183,394hckrBrowse Hackernews via CLI. Or get some JSON love.
145,6183,394new_gem_danilnew gem
145,6183,394ystoreA small library for making working with YAML::Store easier.
145,6183,394multi_indexUse this gem to generate or update configurations
145,6183,394wbzyl-rack-static-assetsStatic Assets Middleware is useful.
145,6183,394ippa-movie_makerAutomate image movements/effects and sounds over a period of time, useful for games.
145,6183,394jxl-isaacSmall DSL for writing IRC bots.
145,6183,394ecom2A Rails plugin to create Ecommerce Application.
145,6183,394poro_service_generatorGenerate simple PORO services for your Rails APP.
145,6183,394thisisdubaiJust a test gem over here