Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
147261-147280 of all 180,543 gems.
147,2493,336jicksta-theatreA library for choreographing a dynamic pool of hierarchially organized actors on Ruby v1.8
147,2493,336voteable_drewA really cool voting gem.
147,2493,336guard-rustGuard::Rust automatically builds your Rust code.
147,2493,336mlj-unicode_normalization_validationA Unicode Normalization Form validation plugin for Rails
147,2493,336ivey-merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
147,2493,336locker_kitUI Kit for DevLocker
147,2493,336fog-emailThis gem aims to abstract usage of popular email service providers ...
147,2493,336testSGLearn how to create a gem using RubyMine
147,2493,336drnic-railsRails is a framework for building web-application using CGI, FCGI, mod_ruby, or WEBrick...
147,2493,336amazon-mws-plusA Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API
147,2493,336hlruboHomelight Shared Ruby Style Guides
147,2493,336poltergeist-cjPoltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
147,2493,336bridge_socketBridge character device or socket. ex: physical serial device...
147,2493,336omniauth-edwith-hanyangOmniAuth strategy for Edwith Hanyang
147,2493,336hash_magickFor nesting flat hashes, etcetera.
147,2493,336kematzy-sinatra-ie6nomore'IE6 No More' Sinatra Extension to make the eradication of IE6 easier
147,2493,336teejayvanslyke-gazerpoor man's aspect-oriented programming for Ruby
147,2793,335such_metaSimple SEO meta tag helper that offers customization and internationalization.
147,2793,335observium-agentInterface with Observium Agents using ruby to gather system information