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Most downloads over all time
147281-147300 of all 180,543 gems.
147,2793,335wkimeria-rack-attackA rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests
147,2793,335WynsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
147,2793,335fortniteRetrieve informations from Fortnite with API, with a lot of resource to...
147,2793,335redis_fieldThis gem allows you to easily use Redis to store data as regular ActiveRecord attributes
147,2793,335convertvoicetotextConvert voice into text with high interpretation
147,2793,335hello_languaguesA simple gem provide hello in multi languages
147,2793,335cruftySelf-destruct your crufty code to ensure it doesn't become permanent.
147,2793,335pakyow-failAn failure handling library for Pakyow apps.
147,2793,335serf-clientImplementation of Serf RPC
147,2793,335worklogThe Worklog gem provides a simple domain-specific language (DSL) for tracking work time...
147,2793,335trustsEverything to do with creating, maintaining and reporting trust account activity
147,2793,335mateuszzawisza-process-balancerSimple gem that controls amount of processes basing on system load average
147,2793,335technoweenie-openuri_memcachedOpenURI with transparent caching
147,2793,335lita-doubler-2019A simple doubler
147,2793,335qodex-railsIntercept your rails application to power AI copilot.
147,2793,335kron4eg-wikiclothAn implementation of the mediawiki markup in ruby
147,2793,335irjudson-dm-ldap-adapterA DataMapper Adapter for LDAP, as simply as possible.
147,2793,335jeffkreeftmeijer-cucumber_rails_debugA set of debug steps for cucumber
147,2793,335namelessjon-todoistThe todoist gem offers convinience methods and wrappers for the todoist list management...
147,2793,335SpiritSC-case_collection_observerSimple notifier for object in HM and HABTM associations in AR...