Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148781-148800 of all 180,702 gems.
148,7783,302mame-simpletracesimpletrace reduces backtrace by removing path of installed libraries.
148,7783,302milk1000cc-acts_as_digested_onA rails plugin to set the digested value before validation and validate uniqueness.
148,7783,302synthemesc-codexCodex network machine
148,7783,302mbleigh-fetchesRails plugin for simplified parameter-based model fetching.
148,7783,302tic_tac_toe_coreThis gem contains the core functionality for a basic Tic-Tac-Toe game. It can be used w...
148,7783,302ingenia_apiA Ruby API client for Ingenia
148,7783,302mbulat-rubyprotSimple library to aid in object serialization and messaging via Rubys Marshal
148,7783,302cocoapods-humusCocoaPods database helper gem.
148,7783,302http-servantSimple HTTP Server
148,7783,302simple_fanoutA simple client for sending http post requests
148,7783,302voteable_mashrurA very simple concise voting gem
148,7783,302nkallen-cashCache utilities.
148,7783,302limited-salt-apia salt api gem forked from ruby-salt-api.
148,7783,302shopify_app_lrb3Required Boostrap 3 so cloned and upgraded to Less Rails Bootstrap 3.1.1
148,7783,302myabc-dm-auditedDataMapper plugin providing auditing for resources
148,7783,302netroots-project_vote_smartLibrary for accessing the Project Vote Smart API.
148,7783,302map-dem-tingsHelps with repetitive mapping of inputs to outputs
148,7783,302photographerTest for visual regressions using your existing testing stack.
148,7783,302iso_bsd-i18nText describing bicycle wheel size information.
148,7783,302integrity-bobetteBob's sister