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148801-148820 of all 182,407 gems.
148,7633,398tarsius-cheatCheat is a simple command line utility reference program. Use it to, well, cheat.
148,7633,398peleteiro-activecouchActiveCouch wants to be a simple, convenient, idiomatic Object Relational Mapper for th...
148,8033,397poker_croupier_coreLibrary for creating texas holdem games
148,8033,397migrate-ssdb2pika迁移 SSDB 数据到 Redis 或 Pika 工具集,提供迁移过程中的双写工具类和迁移历史数据工具
148,8033,397tastyhat-autotest-railsAutotest mapping for rails/factory_girl/machinist
148,8033,397SassktureGenerate basic structure for sass projects
148,8033,397dict_cacheThis is a console dict with daily cache
148,8033,397platteA static generator tool for static HTML pages combined from modules.
148,8033,397kieranj-currency_sourceRuby library for fetching exchange rates from currency source
148,8033,397rbIRCA simple IRC framework made for either making a bot or even an IRC client. Currently ca...
148,8033,397comkitWrite powerful command line applications with ease.
148,8033,397vigilem-evdev-statStat(us) for whether or not Evdev is available
148,8033,397texel-delayed_jobDelated_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
148,8033,397jsl-archived_attributesArchivedAttributes allows for data to be saved to a backend other than the rdbms
148,8033,397moorage-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
148,8033,397svenfuchs-stubbyStubby is a lightweight and fast stubbing framework that was designed to help with the ...
148,8033,397hola_somsenA simple hello world gem