Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149461-149480 of all 180,530 gems.
149,4383,266nojiko这是一个基础的 Compass 扩展库,可以帮助你快速开始创建一个网站。它会为你提供一组混入类,一个 reset,一套基础全局样式,以及一套栅格系统。
149,4383,266cuimia-minimal-themeCuimia minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
149,4383,266conventional_extensionsConventionalExtensions sets up a file naming convention to extend your domain model
149,4383,266thehack-atom-toolsTools for working with Atom Entries, Feeds and Collections
149,4383,266pivotal-nested_scenariosFixtureScenarios, FixtureScenariosBuilder, Yaml and Ruby in one big mix for Rails
149,4383,266nxoSmall gem for working with Nintendo Switch executable objects
149,4383,266litmus_analyticsWrapper for the Litmus Analytics API
149,4383,266paulnicholson-acrylicA set of image manipulation tools built on top of Cairo
149,4383,266syncthing-helpersyncthing-helper semi-automates management of multiple installs on NixOS
149,4383,266rake_i_taskThis gem provided a rake taks named 'i' making rake interactive: usage: add the foll...
149,4713,265positive_string_supportThis gem provides useful methods for String class (built-in class of Ruby).
149,4713,265nexia-sequel-verticaSequel adapter for the Vertica database
149,4713,265pluggable_litePluggableLite is a module to help you to create pluggable architecture. it's easy to us...
149,4713,265paulj-hookoutHookout allows you to expose your web hook applications to the web via Reverse HTTP.
149,4713,265statusbot-apiProvides API functionality to
149,4713,265lsegal-couchioVirtual filesystem support for a CouchDB database.
149,4713,265lurker-retry-handlerretry handler
149,4713,265star_warsStar Wars meets Ruby
149,4713,265slack-ruby-bot-boilerplateSlack bot boilerplate for response on different events.