Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149761-149780 of all 180,507 gems.
149,7563,253web-console-rakeInvoke Rake task on web-console
149,7563,253phildarnowsky-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
149,7563,253rbvmomi_helperA set of helper methods for RbVmomi.
149,7563,253pelargir-finder_filterAn easy way to add common finders to your Rails controllers.
149,7563,253googleMapsAPI-railsGoogle Maps API for rails
149,7563,253fastlane-plugin-rescan_flaky_testsRe-run `scan` action for each failed test cases.
149,7563,253zillaNo description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
149,7563,253seanohalpin-xmpp4rXMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby.
149,7563,253tkofol-valuationA Ruby Gem For Corporate Finance Calculations.
149,7563,253sickill-rack-lesscssRack middleware for compiling lesscss files into css
149,7563,253studio_game_davidb583# my first gem This is one hell of a program : my first ruby gem ## Installation Don...
149,7563,253sausheong-robotsIt parses robots.txt files
149,7563,253google_formsPosting to Google Forms from your ruby scripts
149,7563,253cloverSimplistic yet powerful testing library for Ruby
149,7563,253sluggable_dougThe best slugging gem ever
149,7563,253titanous-isaacSmall DSL for writing IRC bots.
149,7563,253test_hello_noukodsay hello
149,7783,252nested_store_attributesAccess hashes stored on the model (serialzed to text or postgres json) using a similar ...
149,7783,252pragdave-codexSimple tool for creating source-code intensive presentations and courses