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Most downloads over all time
149781-149800 of all 180,507 gems.
149,7783,252pezra-cucumberExecutable Feature scenarios
149,7783,252y_combinatorSometimes, you need some Y combinators to write anonymous recursive functions. Typing o...
149,7783,252rtttUnbeatable tic tac toe to be plugged into a user interface.
149,7783,252tui_image_editorWrite a longer description or delete this line.
149,7783,252license-headerSimple way to tag a directory with a specific opensource license
149,7783,252bat_kishA simple hello world gem
149,7783,252srizzo-gemtest2just testing jeweler
149,7783,252twitter-colour-pickerchoices colour picker like twitter
149,7783,252logstash-fakesThe goal of this gem is to create an API-compatible platform on which to build and test...
149,7783,252thelazyfox-role-authzMerb plugin that provides a very simple role-based authorization system
149,7783,252mattbauer-activemerchantFramework and tools for dealing with credit card transactions.
149,7783,252sluggable_ylAdd slug to your models!
149,7783,252ygitmeYgitme is a command line tool to learn git commands.
149,7783,252pdf-reader-find_textPDF::Reader extension to find text in PDF and get the page and position
149,7783,252robinluckey-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
149,7783,252smokingA simple gem to generate and run smoke tests in your Rails app.
149,7783,252ngeneratorsThis gem provides generators which generate AngularJS views, controllers and resources ...
149,7783,252ruby_quiz_2Solution to ruby quiz #1 @
149,7783,252qrush-beardoCommunicate with co-workers through the best interface available: your terminal