Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
149801-149820 of all 180,507 gems.
149,7783,252redisseServer-Sent Events via Redis
149,7783,252mussegam-geokitGeokit Gem
149,8033,251pivotal-validates_as_phone_numberRails gem that implements an ActiveRecord validation helper called validates_as_phone_n...
149,8033,251remi-marukuMaruku is a Markdown interpreter in Ruby. It features native export to HTML and PDF (vi...
149,8033,251skozlov-netzke_coreBase Netzke widgets - grid, form, tree, and more
149,8033,251smtlaissezfaire-mix_masterAllows modules to be unmixed at runtime from classes, much as Mixology or Mixico do. I...
149,8033,251dekuRuby interface to Deku JavaScript library
149,8033,251pzmp3_downloaderDownloads songs from
149,8033,251investtools-ftpdftpd is a pure Ruby FTP server library. It supports implicit and explicit TLS, IPV6, p...
149,8033,251rainchen-email_specEasily test email in rspec and cucumber
149,8033,251thumblemonks-grudgeGrudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...
149,8033,251seban-rflakSimple Ruby wrapper for Flaker service. Flaker is service collecting your network activ...
149,8033,251simonmenke-localized_country_selectRails plugin for localized "country_select" helper with Rake task for downloading local...
149,8033,251knife-miasmaKnife tooling for the common cloud
149,8033,251ontology_parserA gem that can parse *.owl files and construct a tree and let produce a json string tha...
149,8033,251ralph-safeSimple tool to backup MySQL databases and filesystem locally or to Amazon S3 (with opti...
149,8033,251omniauth-keystoneOmniAuth strategy for OpenStack keystone
149,8033,251rursesThis library aims to make working with ncurses code feel more natural to Rubyists. Ful...
149,8033,251pius-renaRena is a Ruby library for manipulating RDF files.
149,8033,251helloagainA simple hello world again gem